CNR is one of the three internationally leading institutions, experts in marine robotics, with the main role in transferring knowledge to UNIZG-FER LABUST. They are work leaders of WP3 devoted to broad networking events, within which they are in charge of the organization of one of EMRA workshops. They will participate in hosting LABUST staff, expert exchange activities and training. Together with other partners, they will participate in the organization of BtS summer schools. They will be involved in dissemination activities.
Partner description:
The CNR is a public organization with a duty to carry out, promote, transfer and improve research activities. CNR is distributed all over Italy through a network of institutes aiming at promoting its competences and at facilitating contacts and cooperation with local firms and organizations.
The Institute of Studies on Intelligent Systems for Automation (CNR-ISSIA) focuses its research on topics as robotics, automation, signal and image processing, measurement and decision support systems based on soft-computing techniques for complex applications. CNR-ISSIA has particular experience in the development of unmanned marine vehicles for observation, sampling, exploration and protection application, as well as in acoustic and imagery data fusion and analysis for environment modeling and multi-dimensional reconstruction.
CNR-ISSIA has almost twenty years of research experience in the field of marine robotics, supported by the development of Remotely Operated Vehicles, Unmanned Surface Vehicles and underwater manipulators such as Roby (1990-1992); Roby2 (1992-1997), an ROV with depth rating of 200 m, currently exhibited at the National Museum of Antarctica in Genova; Romeo (1997-today), a high manoeuvrability ROV with depth rating of 500 m; Charlie (2003-today), an unmanned catamaran originally designed for sampling sea surface microlayer; ALANIS (2008-today), an unmanned RIB-like vessel designed for the monitoring of coastal areas; AMADEUS work-cell, consisting of a couple of 7 degrees of freedom electro-mechanical underwater manipulators (EC Project AMADEUS - Advanced manipulation for deep underwater sampling, 1997-'99). These robots were exploited in scientific campaigns in Antarctica, Arctic, and the Mediterranean, validating different operational conditions of remote control, including satellite Internet-based tele-operation.
Among other topics, research activity is focused on optical and acoustic motion estimation, development of specific devices, and cooperative control of teams of vehicles.
CNR-ISSIA was partner of the EC FP7 Innovative Product Concepts project MINOAS - Marine INspection rObotic Assistant System, for the development of a vessel-inspection system based on multiple cooperative vehicles and virtual reality; EC FP7-SME CART - Cooperative Autonomous Robotic Towing system, a robotized system for the recovery of the towing line of distressed vessels.
CNR is currently a partner of the EC FP7-ICT MORPH - Marine robotic system of self-organizing logically linked physical nodes, a new concept for cooperative UMVs; the EC FP7 Collaborative Project CADDY - Cooperative autonomous diving buddy, for the diver operations support by means of cooperative robotic platforms. CNR is the coordinator of the Italian Flagship Project RITMARE focused on research activities related to marine and maritime science and technologies.
CNR is a partner of the Italian project MARIS - Marine Autonomous Robotics for InterventionS focused on cooperative underwater mobile manipulation.