The H2020 project "EXCELLABUST - Excelling LABUST in marine robotics" and the Centre for Research Support and Technology Transfer at UNIZG-FER organized the lecture
"University of Girona Project Management System – sharing experiences with LABUST laboratory"
given by Joseta Roca, University of Girona (Spain).
The lecture took place on Thursday, 9th June 2016, starting at 13:00 in the TCR at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.
More about the speaker and the talk can be found in the detailed news content and here. Photos are available in our Gallery.
Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics research lab has a strong experience in the design and development of hovering AUV prototypes for different applications going from inspection to intervention. Several AUV prototypes have been designed during the last 10 years, all of them having a different conceptual design, and being GIRONA 500 AUV and SPARUS II AUV the currently operative platforms.
Besides its technical expertise, one of the core competences of the lab is its internal organization in terms of project management and general organizational issues. The talk aims to share the experiences of the UdG with FER UNIZGR and try to identify possible collaboration points as well as a general advice on the topic.
Girona (1983). Studied Business Administration at the University of Girona, along her studies she was Erasmus Student at FH Joanneum in Austria, where she had the chance to participate in a very industrial oriented studies programme. After two years working in the retail sector as a marketing manager, she started her master studies on Business Innovation and Technology Management at the University of Girona. She defended her master thesis on the topic “Key Success Factors for technology management” and since then she works at Computer Vision and Robotics Research Institute where she combines project management tasks with technology transfer management and business development. She currently leads a team of the people focused on the general management of the research and communication of the institute.