The H2020 project "EXCELLABUST - Excelling LABUST in marine robotics" and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) organized a Innovation management training on the topic of
"Patent: A tool to promote (basic fundamentals)".
The training was held on 18th June 2016 at CNR in Genova, Italy and attended by researchers and project managers from EXCELLABUST project partners' institutions.
More about the speakers and their talks can be found in the detailed news content and here, while a short report is available here. Photos are available in our Gallery.
1. Presentation and introduction to IPR Training Session by Silvia Cella, Alessia Naso
In this lecture we will give a first glance on Intellectual Property Rights and we will highlight the basic principles of the patent systems and the protection of inventions.
2. Overview on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) by Silvia Cella, Alessia Naso
We will present an overview of the different forms of Intellectual Property for protecting your research results and for giving value to your ideas. We will briefly introduce the legal rights conferred by patents, trademarks, registered designs, copyright and trade secrets, as well as what they protect and how to obtain them.
3. Patent system: rules and rights by Silvia Cella, Alessia Naso
We will focus our lecture on the main aspect on the Patent system: inventorship and co-ownership, priority date and publication, duration and country validation.
4. Patent procedures @ European Patent Office (EPO) by Silvia Cella, Alessia Naso
This lecture will present the procedures to apply for a European patent application according to the European Patent Convention (EPC) or to apply for an international patent application through the PCT (Patent Co-operation Treaty) way: filing, Search Report and examination, granting and validation.
5. IPR in EU-Projects by Raffaella Beroldo
This lecture will focus on the importance of the IP
Silvia Cella
Silvia Cella has a degree in physics and a master science in materials science. In 2002 she started working in Italy for a public research organization at its Technology Transfer Office, dealing with the protection and the exploitation of research results and gaining over the years skills on IPR’s management. In addition to the activities of patent support and IPR portfolio management, she has experience in negotiation assistance and drafting of technology transfer agreements (i.e. patent and know-how license agreements, confidentiality agreement - NDA & MTA, consortium agreement etc.) and also in IPR management in collaborative and industrial research contracts.
Alessia Naso
Alessia Naso has a degree in Biology and a Doctorate in Material Science and Technology. Just graduated she conducted research activities in the field of biophysics, molecular biology and biotechnology. Since 2008 she started working at CNR Technology Transfer Office, dealing with the protection and the exploitation of research results and gaining over years skills on IPR’s management (patents, new plant varieties, trademarks). In addition to the activities of patent support and IPR portfolio management, she has experience in negotiation assistance and drafting of technology transfer agreements (i.e. patent and know - how license agreements, confidentiality agreement - NDA & MTA, consortium agreement etc.) and also in IPR management in collaborative and industrial research contracts.
Raffaella Beroldo
Raffaella Beroldo: Person in charge of the "Office for technical and financial support to the project planning, the procurement and the management of the outside funds” for ISSIA’s branches. The activity done since year 2002 on V-VI-VII European Framework Programme, National and Regional Programmes was to the support the Scientific Network in monitoring the grant opportunities, proposals submission, legal/financial monitoring during the life-cycle of EU projects, definition of roles and responsibilities and management structure in the project, content analysis of contract between the funding body and the consortium, negotiation of projects, contract management and amendments, check of the compliance of the project budget and expenditures with the programme financial rules. She has been in charge as delegated member for the Italian State to participate to the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Administrative Financial Committee for the Year 2007-2008. She has been a member of the External user group for the new grant management system (SyGMa) for Horizon 2020 arranged by the European Commission. Since 2012, she is member of the Management Supporting Team of CoCoNet Project (GA no. 287844). She is European Commission independent expert for R&I (id EX2013D138353) in Horizon 2020 at the proposal stage.