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Dates: 2nd - 9th October 2016 Location: Biograd na Moru, Croatia URL: bts.fer.hr |
Breaking the Surface 2016 summer school was held from 2nd until 9th October in Biograd na Moru (Croatia) in the scope of H2020 "EXCELLABUST- Excelling LABUST ina marine robotics project".
BtS2016 was 8th edition and according to numbers the most successful one! BtS2016 gathered more than 220 participants from marine robotics field and its applications - marine biology, archaeology, security, oceanology etc.
This year's programme novelty was Innovation Tuesday, a day dedicated to lectures about creation of corporate spin-offs, on how to attract investments and tips and tricks in starting such a company in the form of Innovation Management Training.
BtS program is comprised of academic lectures, hands-on tutorials, presentation of projects and equipment and company demonstrations.
Lectures by experts in the domains of Marine robotics (MAROB), Marine biology (MARBIO), Maritime archaeology (MARCH), Maritime security (MARSEC) and Innovations (INNOVA).
List of speakers:
Marine robotics (MAROB):
- Stjepan Bogdan, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia: Unmanned system for maritime security and environmental monitoring
- Massimo Caccia, National Research Council - CNR, Institute of intelligent systems for automation - ISSIA (Italy): Modular portable marine robotics
- Mandar Chitre, National University of Singapore (Singapore): A decade of research in underwater cooperative navigation: what have we learned?
- Giovanni Indiveri, University of Salento (Italy): The H2020 project WiMUST: Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology. An overview
- Mirko Kovač, Imperial College London (UK): Aquatic Micro Aerial Vehicles (AquaMAV) for water sampling and marine explorationđ
- Stephen C. Licht, University of Rhode Island (USA): Deep sea sampling with soft robotics: early results and future directions
- Alfredo Martins, Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (Portugal): Marine robotics - A tool for increased awareness from land to the deep sea
- Timothy Mundon, University of Washington (USA): The role of underwater robotics in the growth of marine renewable energy
- Dan Toal, University of Limerick (Ireland): Robotics for challenging ocean intervention in marine renewable energy and other applications
- Kotaro Yamafune, Texas A&M University (USA): Methodology of recordin and analyzing shipwreck sites using multi-image photogrammetry
Marine biology (MARBIO):
- Sunčica Bosak, University of Zagreb Faculty of Science, Department of Biology (Croatia): Observations from the Invisible Forest: the diversity of marine phytoplankton
- Mark Jessopp, University College Cork (Ireland): Co-existence of top marine predators and humans....and the role of technology
- Francisco Sanchez, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (Spain): Investigating the submarine canyons and seamounts in Spanish waters through non-invasive methodologies
Marine archaeology (MARCH):
- Jens Auer, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark): Recording "in the dark". The challenges of recording a submerged 8th century structure in the Schlei Fjord, Northern Germany
- Smiljko Rudan, University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (Croatia): Nautical archaeology from the naval architecture point of view
- Francesco Tiboni, University of Genoa (Italy): Underwater and Instrumental Archaeology. A Special Relationship
Gustau Vivar, Centre d'Arqueologia Subaquàtica de Catalunya (Spain): The Underwater Archaeology Centre of Catalonia. The works with AUV and submersibles in archaeological sites
Maritime security (MARSEC):
- Cormac Gebruers, National Maritime College of Ireland (Ireland): Marine Robotics Applications in Humanitarian, Search & Rescue and Civilian Focussed Security Operations – what might the future hold?
Innovation Tuesday (INNOVA):
- Anders Aune, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU (Norway): Value creation from research through university spin-offs
- Kemal Delić, Hewlett-Packard Co (France): The Art of Innovation
- Erik Dyrkoren and Martin Ludvigsen, Blueye Robotics (Norway): BluEye Robotic – providing underwater adventures for everyone
- Francis Flannery, SonarSim (Ireland): Bootstrapping SonarSim: A Start-up Journey
- David Lane, Heriot-Watt University (UK): From Research to Revenues - The Puzzle of the Market
- Luis Madureira, OceanScan - Marine Systems & Technology, Lda (Portugal): The Light Autonomous Underwater Vehicle – Affordable technology to address scientific and societal needs
- Pere Ridao, University of Girona (Spain): IQUA Robotics: from lab to market
- Asgeir J. Sørensen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU (Norway): Why and how becoming a researcher and entrepreneur?
- Darío Sosa Cabrera, ACSM (Spain): Titanrob: 3d printed Titanium Manipulators Innovation in the ROV sector
- Clayton Stewart, University College London (UK): Comments on the Management of Technology Startup Companies
- Edin Omerdić, University of Limerick (Ireland): Thruster Control using LabVIEW Real - Time & FPGA Graphical Programming
- Pere Ridao, Natàlia Hurtós, Narcís Palomeras, University of Girona (Spain): University of Girona: Mission Planning, Data Analysis and Girona500 deployment
- Luis Madureira, OceanScan (Portugal): OceanScan: Mission Planning & Data Analysis
- Thomas Glotzbach, Technische Universitaet Ilmenau (Germany): Surface-aided AUV path following: theory and practice. Demo with a Medusa - class vehicle
- EvoLogics (Germany) - Oleksiy Kebkal, Veronika Kebkal: EvoLogics
- Brodarski Institut
- Hydroid, Kongsberg - Graham Lester, Simone Di Giacomo