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Published: 2016-01-21 at 09:45
Tutorial 1: "High-level...

As part of the expert visit within the H2020 project "EXCELLABUST - Excelling LABUST in marine robotics", Prof. Marc Carreras and Dr. Narcis Palomeras from the Computer Vision and Robotics Research Institute, University of Girona (Spain) gave a tutorial "High-level architectures and path planning" on 19th - 20th January 2016 at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.

The agenda, lecture descriptions and materials used during the tutorial, are available in the repository. A short report is available in the detailed news content, while photos from the event are available in the gallery.


The tutorial followed the planned contents about COLA2 control architecture and path planning, given by Marc Carreras and Narcís Palomeras from the University of Girona. The first day focused on the COLA2 control architecture, giving special emphasis on the ROS middleware, which was introduced with simple examples. The COLA2 architecture was detailed, including its localization and control modules. Examples and results were given to illustrate the possibilities of the architecture. During the afternoon, a first theoretical overview about general control architectures for autonomous robots was given, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of deliberative and behaviour-based approaches. The latter ones were introduced as a simple and effective way of implementing an autonomous robot. The first day concluded with a long practical session in which COLA2 architecture was used to simulate the Sparus II AUV in a path planning and execution exercise, in which the OMPL library and UWSIM simulator were used. Exercises were proposed to attendees to check the correct understanding and use of the path planning module and control architecture. Students showed a very deep understanding of the practical exercises, which were completed successfully. The planned sessions finished within the planned time. During the second day, the tutorial was focused on theoretical algorithms used for general path planning. Bug algorithms, potential algorithms, topological maps, cell decomposition and sampling algorithms were presented with some details. Three research projects about path planning applied to different AUV applications were also described, showing the work done by the University of Girona in this research line. The second day finished within the planned time, concluding and achieving the goals of the tutorial.

The outcomes of the tutorial were:

·      Participants were introduced with the COLA2 architecture, for AUV programming, with practical experiences in a ROS environment.

·      Participants were introduced with the basics of high-level control architectures and an overview on path-planning algorithms, with real examples on AUVs.

·      Participants performed simulated experiments about AUV path planning, with the COLA2 architecture, which can be used for future developments and collaborations.

The tutorial allowed meeting many students and researchers from University of Zagreb, with which Marc Carreras and Narcís Palomeras started conversations about their common research interests and potential future collaborations.

Nikola Mišković
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 691980.