The H2020 project "EXCELLABUST - Excelling LABUST in marine robotics" and IEEE Croatia Section, Robotics and Automation Chapter invite you to the lecture
"Towards Reproducible Robotics Research"
given by Prof. Fabio Bonsignorio, The BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, (Italy).
The lecture will take place on Friday, 22nd January 2016, starting at 14:00 in Grey Hall at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.
More about the speaker and the talk can be found in the detailed news content and here.
The problem of replicability of research results affects many disciplines and is particularly felt in young fields such as robotics and AI. It is a basic prerequisite to performance comparison of intelligent robotic systems and a basic cornerstone of the scientific method.
What it does mean to perform an experiment in Robotics/AI? What should be considered a result? To what extent is robotics a science?
Reproducibility of published results is now a strategic objective for IEEE at large and RAS in particular.
Where are we heading?
Fabio Bonsignorio is currently a professor at the Biorobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore S’Anna in Pisa. He has been professor in the Department of System Engineering and Automation of the University Carlos III of Madrid until 2014. In 2009 he was awarded the Santander Chair of Excellence in Robotics at the same university.
He is founder and CEO of Heron Robots (advanced robotic solutions), see He has been working in the R&D departments of several major Italian and American companies, mainly in the applications of intelligent systems and technology transfer with coordination/management responsibilities for more than 20 years.
He is a Founding Director of euRobotics aisbl, the private part of SPARC, the Eu Robotics PPP. He is currently a member of the Research Board of Directors of SPARC.
He coordinated and has been the main teacher of the ShanghAI Lectures 2013, 2014 (, edition an advanced network MOOC teaching initiated several years ago by Rolf Pfeifer. He is currently coordinating the 2015 edition.
His preferred research topics are in advanced robotics: cognition, control, modelling, software architectures, robot swarms, intelligent agents, epistemological issues in robotics, performance evaluation and foundational issues like ’morphological computation’.
He has pioneered the topic of Reproducible Research and Benchmarking in Robotics and AI. In this area he is one of the leading experts, with a long series of workshop, more than 20, at IROS, ICRA and RSS, involving more than 200 people from the research, industry and government area (in particular from the EU commission).
He is author or co-author of almost 140 publications in the areas of robotics, cognition and manufacturing systems in the last few years, since he became an almost full time researcher. His first paper on robot control dates back to 1985. He is a member of IEEE/RAS, AAAI, CLAWAR, and euCognition. He coordinated the EURON Special Interest Group on Good Experimental Methodology and Benchmarking in Robotics, is cochair of the IEEE RAS TC-Pebras and has been a board member of EURON III. He is a member of the Euron Training Board (the GeorgeGiralt PhD Award jury). He has been reviewer for several conferences and journals inside and outside IEEE. He is project reviewer for Ecsel and has been for FP7. He was a member of the joint Europ-Euron-other experts restricted team preparing the Robotics Public Private Partnership in Horizon 2020, the successor program at EU level of FP7.
He is the coordinator of the euRobotics Topic Group on Experiment Replication, Benchmarking, Challenges and Competitions and is co-chair of the IEEE TC-Pebras. He has participated to design and launch the new euCognition society, he is now a member of the euCogniton society steering committee.
He has been general co-chair of the IEEE RAS 2015 Summer School on Replicable and Measurable Robotics Research. He has been the corresponding and more active editor of the Special Issue on Replicable and Measurable Robotics Research on IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, appeared in September 2015. This special issue is the very first example of a higher impact archival robotics journal issue with replicable and measurable results pioneering Reproducible Research in RAS and to a certain extent IEEE at large.