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LABUST team (Z. Vukić, Đ. Nađ, M. Marković and N. Kapetanović) participated in an exercise called CORKEX 2018 in Cork, Ireland from 23 July to 28 July 2018 within the project Expanded Underwater Robotics Ready for Oil Spills - e-URready4OS. The exercise was carried out onboard the Irish Naval Vessel “Le Roisin” and it was operated from the Naval Base, Haulbowline, Co Cork. The exercise was coordinated by the Irish Coast Guard. Main objectives of the exercise were to expand the already existing URready4OS fleet (from 5 to 12 assets) - provide training to new vehicles teams joining the fleet, to demonstrate the capability of the current URready4OS system and to provide training and transfer of knowledge. Main participants of CORKEX 2018 were the University of Porto, University of Zagreb, University of Cartagena, University of Cyprus, University of Girona and University of Balearic Islands, Irish Naval Service and Irish Coast Guard.