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The Institute for Research of Intelligent Systems for Automation - ISSIA, National Research Council of Italy - CNR, organized the first S&T training in the scope of H2020 project "EXCELLABUST - Excelling LABUST in marine robotics". The training was held from 19 to 20 June 2016 in Genova, Italy at CNR and was open to all members of the project consortium.
The first day was focused on building an Unmanned Marine Vehicle and it covered the following themes:
Mechanical design and construction,
Hw/Sw design & implementation,
Visit to CNR-ISSIA Marine Robotics laboratory,
while the second day was focused on cooperative control and perception for heterogeneous Unmanned Marine Vehicles with topics on:
Cooperative guidance and mission control,
Cooperative perception and environment characterisation,
Human-robot interaction languages,
Use of UAVs for ecosystem monitoring.
More about the speakers and their talks can be found here while a short report from the training is available here. Photos are available in our Gallery.