The main goal of EXCELLABUST project is to address networking gaps and deficiencies between UNIZG-FER and internationally leading counterparts at EU level, by significantly strengthening marine robotics research within LABUST (Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies, an integral part of University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing). EXCELLABUST twinning will enhance S&T capacity, and help raise staff's research profile in marine robotics of linked institutions: UNIZG-FER, Consiglio Nazionalle delle Ricerche, University of Girona, and University of Limerick. In order to achieve the main goal, we define two main objectives (with sub-objectives) in the project.
Increase UNIZG-FER marine robotics scientific excellence and innovation capacity, and raise staff's research profile within three strategic research domains: 1) mapping and perception, 2) advanced navigation, guidance, and control (NGC), and 3) autonomy and cognition, by implementing strategic measures in the form of staff exchanges, expert visits, on-site training and innovation management training that will
- provide S&T knowledge transfer from internationally leading partners to UNIZG-FER (staff exchanges and expert visits),
- provide hands-on S&T experience by internationally-leading partners (on-site training), and
- provide knowledge on innovation management to all involved research institutions (innovation management training).
Increase UNIZG-FER scientific involvement and visibility by implementing strategic measures in the form of organizing wide networking, knowledge and experience transfer events (workshops and summer schools) that will:
- strengthen links to marine robotics industry through the organization of research-industry workshops ("EU-funded projects in marine robotics and applications workshop - EMRA") in collaboration with euRobotics aisbl, and
- strengthen links to marine robotics end-users in the areas of marine biology, marine archaeology, oceanography, marine security (navies, coast guards, search and rescue units) by the joint organization of summer schools ("Breaking the Surface – BtS Summer School") with a strong emphasis on application of marine robotics.
Successful accomplishment of these objectives will be measured in relation to Key Impact Indicators (KIIs).