UNIZG-FER s the coordinator of EXCELLABUST project within which they are in charge of WP1 devoted to management. LABUST, as an integral part of UNIZG-FER is the twinning country to which the excellence in marine robotics is to be transferred within EXCELLABUST project. They are involved in all strategic measures defined in the workplan, with the highest effort devoted to staff exchange and participation in training, workshops, etc. They are in charge of organizing BtS summer schools in WP3 and will be involved in dissemination activities.
Partner description:
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER) is part of the University of Zagreb – the largest and oldest Croatian university. With 130 professors, 220 graduate teaching and research assistants, 4900 students enrolled in various programs, and operating in facilities of more than 35000 m2, UNIZG-FER is the largest technical high education institution and the leading educational and R&D institution in the fields of electrical and computer engineering and computer science in Croatia. UNIZG-FER is the highest-quality member of the University of Zagreb, with a large and modern infrastructure devoted to research-based education. UNIZG-FER is organised in 12 Departments which represent the focal points of education and R&D. Currently, UNIZG-FER participates in more than 20 projects financed by EU through various grant schemes (FP7, H2020, IPA, COST, …). The Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies - LABUST is a research group within the Department of Control and Computer Engineering at the UNIZG-FER. At present, the Department consists of 14 professors and 40 researchers. LABUST research results, equipment level and capacity for globally relevant research have immensely profited from the FP7 CURE project.
LABUST research group has 10 members: 2 permanent staff, 7 PhDs and 1 technician. The staff holds expertise in marine robotics: development and adaptation of marine vehicles (3 AUVs, 1 ASV); acoustic networks and sonars; identification, navigation, guidance and control of marine vessels; cooperative and coordinated formations of marine vehicles. LABUST is currently coordinating one FP7 project (CADDY - Cognitive Autonomous Diving Buddy) and is a partner in FP7 EUROFLEETS2 and ECHO-DG - Autonomous underwater vehicles ready for Oil Spill. In the last 5 years, the group has participated in 6 international and 3 national projects related to marine robotics. The LABUST group has experience in developing guidance and control software for industry (VideoRay, USA; LD TravOcean, France). LABUST is a light member of HYCON2 network of excellence. They have organized 7 annual field training “Breaking the Surface” with the purpose of conducting multidisciplinary research within marine biology, archaeology, and security.