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Dissemination of research is a must nowadays. Back in 2009, at the University of Girona and inspired in dissemination techniques of MIT, three professors of Computer Vision and Robotics Institute designed the R2B2 workshops. These 3-day workshops consist on building underwater robots out of recycled materials in a low cost basis. Teams of 3 to 5 students from 12 to 16 years old, conceive, design, build and test their own prototypes at the University. The workshops were held in March, April, May (two events) and July 2016.
Since EXCELLABUST project started, 4 R2B2 underwater robot’s construction and water testing for youngster’s workshops have been done at the University of Girona. Around 50 students from different parts of the area of Catalonia, build 14 fully functional underwater robots at CIRS building.