On the 10th of February 2017 Ph.D. student from LABUST, Nadir Kapetanović, has presented and successfully passed his qualifying doctoral exam. The topic of the presentation was "Informational gain guided model predictive motion planning of autonomous underwater vehicles", which is closely related to the research field of his Ph.D. thesis. His paper can be read and downloaded here.
The committee was consisted of:
- Prof. Stjepan Bogdan, UNIZG-FER
- Assoc. Prof. Nikola Mišković, UNIZG-FER
- Asst. Prof. Adnan Tahirović, University of Sarajevo
The exam was also attended by PhD students from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Croatia), employees of the Department of Control and Computing, as well as guests from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo (BiH), University of Limerick (Ireland), and also University of Dubrovnik (Croatia): Mato Baotić, Zoran Vukić, Edin Omerdić, Filip Mandić, Đula Nađ, Armin Dajić, Almir Salihbegović, Nedim Osmić, Goran Vasiljević, Ante Zglav, Tamara Petrović, Ivana Palunko, Domagoj Tolić, Zdenko Kovačić, Barbara Arbanas, Juraj Peršić, Marsela Polić, Matej Celega, and Ivan Lončar.